
Choose the specific document for models train/test reporduing,
data preprocessing or run the explainerdashboard locally


My Year 3 Project

Sihan Zeng

There are 3 parts of my code:

Part1. Dataset preprocessing

I've done some preprocessing for 2 dataset, to allow models to learn the characters of the network flows well. The code of this part is under the folder Dataset. For more detailed instruction for this part, please head to DataProcessing Doc, or read through inside the Dataset folder.

Part2. Model Training

Basically, there are 3 models for each dataset have been successfully trained and tested, which are Randomforest, SVM and CNN. All codes and trained models files are in the Model folder. For further instruction, please head to Models Doc, or read through the inside the Model folder.

Part3. Moder Performance Explainer Dashboard

To show the performance of the models visually, I used the python library ExplainerDashboard. With this running, model performance can be checked by a webpage (which is also hosted on Yr3project Webpage). All codes needed are in the Explainer Folder. For further instruction to run the explainerdashboard locally, please head to Explainer Doc or read throughn the inside the Explainer folder.

ExplainerDashboard Example

Thanks a lot for checking my project!